Bio, organic, ecological? All about organic spices.
The share of organic farming is steadily increasing in the EU, but Hungary is unfortunately still at the bottom of the list: although the EU average is around 9%, organic farming in Hungary is only around 5-6%, while in neighbouring Austria it is a success story. The majority of Austrian farmers have already made the switch, with organic farming rates in 2020 already more than 5-6 times the EU average. Just think, when you are in the countryside in Austria, how conspicuous the roadside signs at the entrance to farms are: organic eggs for sale, organic honey for sale, organic meat for sale, organic vegetables for sale.

It's been seven years since we last visited Biofach, one of the largest organic food fairs and exhibitions not only in Germany but in the world. At that time, the organic food market in Europe was already going from strength to strength. Yet, in the meantime, it has somehow not caught on with us as much, as if the demand for organic products had stagnated at the level of basic foodstuffs, instead of being the new normal.

What is organic farming?

There are several names in use, but they all mean the same thing: organic, organic, ecological, and officially: controlled organic farming.

Organic farming refers to a sustainable farming system that respects the environment and animal welfare. It is regulated, and only food businesses can obtain an organic certificate (which lists the products that a food business can market as organic) as a result of regular annual inspections.

More specifically, what does it mean that organic farming respects the well-being of nature and the environment, what makes organic food organic and how is it better?

Organic farming is based on the natural fertility of the soil. No pesticides are used, no genetically modified products are used and the emphasis is on prevention. This is why crop rotation is so important, as it allows pests to be controlled without chemicals. And soil improvement can only be done with compost and natural fertilisers, as a result of which there is no pollution of the soil or drinking water.

So the use of conventional fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals is prohibited.

Why choose organic spices and herbs?

As a result, organic food is free of toxic substances, of better quality, does not introduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria and has a higher antioxidant content. Their smell and taste are more intense, which is particularly important for spices.

In order to make it clear to consumers that a product is organic, it is mandatory, for example, to indicate the organic certification on the product, as well as the name of the certification body, to display the EU logo on labels and to show a valid certificate issued by the certification body on request.

Organic products available

Today, in Hungary, organic products such as millet balls, vegan meatballs, muesli bars, organic vegetable milks are in greater supply for those following a diet, or in connection with a vegan or vegan diet.

In terms of trade, imports clearly dominate, with 80% of organic products bought in domestic shops coming from imports. *

Of course, as a first step, it might be good to have at least a supply of imports, at least from vegan and vegan distributors, but I think that environmental awareness is not only a characteristic of one layer, one sub-market. Today, a significant part of society - certainly the younger, climate-phobic generations - would seek and want organic quality in traditional food. It's just that at the moment they don't have much choice between locally produced organic ready-made products.

However, the organic ingredients are now generally available here at home, and all that is needed is a strong commitment and a change of attitude - which means a lot of administration, professional training and a lot of attention to the production of organic food. **

But if we have a long-term commitment that takes into account what we leave behind for the next generation, or the impact our decisions have on our own environment and our own cooperation, then our approach can go a long way and create a more liveable world.

I think it is important, both as individuals and parents, and as entrepreneurs, to think responsibly, to address not only the challenges of the present, but also the challenges of the future.

I consider myself lucky also in that I have brought from home a family model that can really value healthy eating, sustainable, diverse agriculture. Personally, I'm not very good at growing beautiful vegetables in the back garden, but fortunately in an organic vegetable community we get a full crate every week from early spring to mid-winter, and we always gratefully receive and prepare the organic produce that we have- grown with heart and love from the organic farmers.

It is likely that such organic food communities are not available everywhere, which is why it would be important to have more domestically produced organic products to choose from on the shelves of shops, in the range of convenience, semi-finished and finished products, drinks and food.

How do we at ALPAKA Ltd. think about the supply of organic spices?

We currently offer 40 basic spices and a few more spice blends, but we will increase the selection as and when required. You can find them in our webshop by clicking here : ORGANIC PRODUCTS

We are not expecting a rapid take-up of organic spices, we are expecting a small initial turnover, so for the time being we are only selling them in 1000g and 250g packets. But organic products are also available in bulk bags as well, please send us the details in email for any further needs: rendeles@alpaka.hu

But we can do something for our future by taking small steps, gradually introducing them and offering them in terms of use and supply.

Even so, we are delighted to see and experience that you have already ordered a wide range of organic spices since the launch in January and we are sure that once your consumers smell and taste the special fragrance and flavour of organic spices, everyone will love them.

One piece of good news for our zero-waste grocery store partners and zero-waste lifestyle enthusiasts: the legislation, the scheme, includes an easement that our pre-packaged organic herbs can now be marketed in zero-waste grocery stores without the need for separate registration with a certifying body and without the need for separate administration and certification, of course, by ensuring traceability and compliance with labeling rules.  If you have any questions about this, please feel free to write, but here is the legal provision that allows you to do so:

EU Regulation 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products

"Article 34(2)(2). Operators directly selling pre-packaged organic products to final consumers or users shall be exempted from the notification obligation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and from the obligation to hold a certificate referred to in Article 35(2), provided that these products are produced, prepared or stored exclusively in a way related to the place of sale, that these products are not imported from third countries or that these activities are not subcontracted to another operator."

Conclusion on Biofach

It was sad to hear from exhibitors at Biofach that, as Eastern Europeans, they did not take the demand seriously, because they said that the market here is still very much at the beginning, the volume is small, it is not worthwhile. And unfortunately, this is also supported by the statistics: according to the last measurements, the average consumption of organic food in Hungary was EUR 3 per person per year, while in Austria it was almost 100 times higher: EUR 254 per person per year, in Germany 60 times higher: EUR 180 per person per year, and even the Czech figure is more than 5 times higher than the Hungarian figure: EUR 19 per person per year. ***

Let's do something about it together. So that something can change. Little by little, step by step, one spice after the other, one bio after the other, let's do something for the future, where it depends on our choices, our decisions. Because a lot depends on us, food producers.

Orsolya Vas


* https://greendex.hu/mitol-bio-a-bio/

** https://www.biokontroll.hu/kezdo-es-halado-szakembereknek-az-okologiai-gazdalkodasrol-es-a-hozza-kapcsolodo-aktualis-agrar-palyazatokrol/

*** https://greendex.hu/mitol-lesz-bio-a-bioelelmiszer/

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